These pages present my collection of replies from Irish parishes,
of their parish radios (church radios), which I have heard on 27
MHz-band here at my home in Naantali, SW Finland .
It has been a great pleasure to find these
small local church-radios from the radio-wavelengths, to identify them, and
to make many contacts to Irish priests and other parish people!!!
The letter-replies I got back from Ireland
are so kind, beautiful and unique that I decided to make a web-page of
my collection. For sure this is unique web-page, like Fr. Shane Crombie
from Tullamore Parish wrote me: "Harri!
Congratulations! Such a wonderful and unique
project: they say there is a website for everything; now it
is true!!"
It has been fun to give parish people a big surprise
that their low-power radiosignal skipped even to Finland, 2000 km
away! This is very rare and possible only for some time because of the
peak activity of the present solar cycle in the sun, which affects
to radiosignal's
reflections in the ionosphere above the earth.
Updated 21.4.2016:
All signals
are now gone and disappeared - perhaps for many years!! I
identified 216 churches!
is an
audio -example (3 min / mp3) of St Colmcille Church,
Churchtown South, Cloyne Parish, County Cork. It is a
of the parish notices at the end of the Mass.
Churchtown South and Cloyne are mentioned twice. Recording from
Sun 1.11.2015.
Two new churches found from the past files from 2012 and 2013
27755 kHz SS Peter & Paul Church,
Balbriggan Parish, Co. Dublin. Found from my
27125 kHz Cathedral of the Immaculate
Conception, Sligo Cathedral Parish, Co. Sligo - Tuned
On Sunday 1st November 2015 I identified these churches
27801 kHz
Church of the Assumption,
Killeeshil Parish, Dungannon, Co. Tyrone, Northern Ireland
27395 kHz St. Anne’s
Church, St. Anne’s and Carraroe Parish, Sligo, Co. Sligo
27405 kHz Church of
the Miraculous Medal, Clonskeagh Parish, Clonskeagh Dublin 14,
Co. Dublin
27185 kHz St.Joseph & St. Benildus
Church, Newtown Road, Waterford City, County Waterford, Ireland
27671 kHz St Mary
Queen of Peace Church, Glenravel Parish, Ballymena, Co.
Antrim, Northern Ireland
27305 kHz Our Lady of the Wayside Church, Bluebell
Parish, Dublin 12, Ireland
27225 kHz St. Brigid´s Church,
Knockbridge Parish,
Knockbride East, Co. Cavan, Ireland
27278 kHz St Bartholomew's Church,
Dromcollogher & Broadford
Parish, Dromcollogher, Co.
Limerick, Ireland
Latest replies:
- Letter
from Father Eugene Sweeney from
Church of Our Lady Queen of Peace, Loughgall Parish, Maghery,
Co. Armagh,
Norhern Ireland. Also
bishop-cards and
Cathedral-cards. Father Sweeney is now working for Eglish
Parish and he just found my old
letter and replied to me. Very nice surprise! I heard this church
only one time during funeral Mass.
Letter from St. Brigid´s Church,
Knockbridge Parish,
Knockbride East, Co. Cavan, Ireland. It was written by the
member of their
parish pastoral council, Mr John Clarke.
- Letter
from St. Anne’s
Church, St. Anne’s and Carraroe Parish, Sligo written by Rev,
Patrick Lombard
- Letter from
Killeeshil Parish, Dungannon, Co.
Tyrone, N.Ireland from
Fr. Pat Hannigan
- Kind
e-mail from Sligo Cathedral, St Mary's Presbytery from
secretary Fiona Foley. She confirmed I heard St Anne's
Church, Sligo
- Short e-mail from
Rev. Gabriel Lyons with verification for my
mp3-clip, Glenravel Parish, Co. Antrim, N.Ireland
- Kind letter from Beaumont, Dublin 12, Parish
the Nativity of Our Lord Church written by Conor McCann (Parish
Pastoral worker)
- Kind letter from Navan Road, Parish of Our Lady Help
of Christians (Dublin 7) written by secr. Marian
- Nice reply from Italy, Parrocchia SS. Trinitá, Milano written by
Don Mario Longo:
Newsletter 1,
2, festa della
divina Miser.
Audio-clips from Chiesa della Santissima Trinità
Clip1 -
Clip2 -
- Nice replies from Clonaslee Parish, Co. Laois: A
letter from Fr.
Thomas O'Reilly and webmaster Paddy Bates who kindly
my letter (and Jim Solatie's letter) to Clonaslee parish's webpage
- Donnybrook Parish (Dublin) replied with a
letter (envelope)
written by Mgr. Lorcan O'Brien. My letter is mentioned in
their newsletter!
- I have a reply from parish priest from Australia.
I heard Fr Denis Ryan from Robinvale Parish, Victoria,
Australia having a Mass in
St Michael the Archangel in Belfast. He was in holidays in
Northern Ireland and he had one Sunday Mass celebration there.
He wrote
me a kind little
letter. Fr Ryan is now working as deputy priest in many
parishes in Australia.
Parish radio is kind of a radio station,
which broadcast all the Masses and events from the local church,
live, on 27 MHz CB-frequency. This service is for the local people who
are not capable to arrive to the church (elder and sick people). It is
not allowed to broadcast any other content, only live public

I have now identified all together exactly
216 different churches
from Ireland and Northern Ireland. I have sent to almost all parishes
a recording on a CD of what I have heard - and I have asked them to
write me back a letter with some printed material, if they have.
The letter-reply would be a nice memory of this special signal-skip
via ionosphere - and looks much better and personal than e-mail.
In my letters I wished to have a confirmation from them, that it was
really their church which I have heard. My contact and CD has been a
big surprise for many - to reach Finland with their small transmitter.
But I think many of them have not believed that this is possible - and
no reply back.
However, the result of this is that I have about 80 letters back with beautiful material of Irish parishes. This is an
unique collection in the world of this kind. (However, my friend in
Austria, Patrick Robic has even bigger collection of replies with
cards - mine are letters).
I have scanned here all the letters and other material,
which I have from Ireland. It has been a great plesure to give them a
surprise of their signal skipping to Finland - and to have a contact to priests
and other parish people!

However, most of the parishes have not replied. So, if you find your parish in the list of my collection,
but not replied yet, please do so. I will mail you a CD with a return postage!

I am convinced that the parish priests and workers in Ireland and Northern Ireland are very very busy. Almost all of them have Masses
every day and they have to carry marriages, child christenings and espacially funerals (which are also aired as well). So, I do not
wonder so many of them have not replied.
By listening live Masses from Irish parishes I have learned a lot of Ireland and the Catholic church. It is interesting to read about the
history of the individual churches, the founders, parish work and the little villages (with strange names).
In the year 2008 I visisted many
chruches in Ireland with my wife - in the way by train from Dublin
to Galway. Unfortunately at that time I did not know the existence of
parish radios in Ireland.
The first signals from them I heard in
autumn 2011 on several weekends, then in autumn 2012 shortly and very
often during October 2013 - March 2014.
Here I explain
how and why this signal-skip is possible. This is rare - and possibly
all signals will disappear for many years after this autumn 2014!
Nobody knows for sure. All depends on the sun's activity in the sky.